AOYUE offers a wide range of products to cater to all your soldering needs, please point over pictures to choose.
 Specializes in reworking BGA´s with optic alignment and placement..
 Focused Infrared Technology...
 Fume Extraction System
 Hot Bar Soldering, Reflow Oven, Solder Pot, PCB Inspection System...
 Available in various sizes to accomodate different sized PCB...
 Combines 2 or more functions in one station, Soldering Iron, Hot Air, Power Supply, Pre-heater ...
 Hand Held Type, Pump Type, Motor Type...
 Professional soldering stations ranging from 35W to 80W...
 Hand held type or bench-top, single function or multi-function...
 Available in various sizes, with functions such as timer and heating..
 BGA series, PLCC series, QFP series, Single Type...
 Working Platforms, Magnifying Lamps, PCB Holders...
 Soldering iron Stand , Heating Element....